Schirmprojekt Quantum Communication Germany
The aim of the project "Schirmprojekt Quantum Communication Germany (SQuaD)" in the Innovation Hub is to establish a central point of contact for expertise and infrastructure within the scope of quantum communication in Germany.
Duration: September 2022 – December 2025
By establishing a central point of contact for interested parties from industry and research, the SQuaD project contributes to the effective transfer of quantum communication technologies into industrial application through coordination and collaboration networking. The project is a key element of the extensive interdisciplinary research network that is being established within the innovation hub for quantum communication in Germany, and which ties the nationwide research activities together. By providing testbeds and reliable setups for components testing, as well as promoting standardization and certification activities, the umbrella project SQuaD establishes sound foundations for further developing a sustainable ecosystem for quantum communication. Fraunhofer HHI supports these activities amongst others by setting up an OpenLab for quantum-enhanced NextGen communication networks. For this purpose, HHI provides state-of-the-art infrastructures and reallabs as an open test and development environment for 5th and 6th generation networks and quantum communication to interested researchers, SMEs and startups in the sense of an "onboarding factory". As coordinator of the 6G-RIC, member of the steering committee of the 6G platform and of the ETSI F5G standardization group, the HHI ensures mutual exchange and effective coordination, as well as the promotion of the envisioned standardization activities.