Quantitative optical differential diagnostics for environmental protection and sustainability in agriculture
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Grant agreement number 13N17096
Period: November 2024 – October 2027
Agriculture in Germany faces major challenges such as climate change and soil degradation. Therefore, sustainable farming and biodiversity are becoming increasingly important. Digitalization and precision farming offer solutions to these problems by enabling more precise control of agricultural measures. It is crucial to accurately know the health status and nutrient requirements of plants in order to plan the use of fertilizers and pesticides as specifically needed.
Objectives and Approach
The quantiFARM project addresses this issue by aiming to develop a differential diagnostic fluorescence analysis system for rapid and cost-effective detection of environmentally relevant plant and soil properties. By capturing plant vitality and soil parameters, fertilizers and pesticides can be applied as needed to significantly reduce environmental impacts. The approach involves a novel combination of portable and field-capable optical sensors on crops and soil. Using artificial intelligence, the collected imaging information of the analysis systems to be developed will be evaluated for plant and soil monitoring, to assess plant condition and provide appropriate agricultural recommendations.