Sensor network and AI methods to avoid heat islands in cities
October 2020 – December 2023

Funded by the Federal Ministry for Transportation and Digital Infrastructure on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag and part of the funding program mFUND
AI-based information platform for the localisation and simulation of heat islands for innovative urban and transport planning
The KLIPS research project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, aims to calculate a high-resolution temperature distribution from a bundle of data. Based on this, heat islands are to be determined in real time, predicted and simulated for urban planning purposes. The newest methods from the field of machine learning, in particular Deep Neural Networks (DNN), are to be applied.
A variety of input data will be used, these are: Structural data from the cities of Leipzig and Langenfeld (3D city and building models), satellite data from the Sentinel programme, sensor data (e.g. weather stations) and data from the in-situ sensor networks of the partner ERGO.
The project is part of the research initiative mFUND, dealing with digital data-based applications for Mobility 4.0.
Project Partners
- Software AG
- German Aerospace Center (DLR)
- Ergo Umweltinstitut GmbH (PIKOBYTES GmbH)
- Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
- Hof University of Applied Sciences
- terrestris GmbH & Co. KG (meggsimum)
- City of Leipzig
- Office for Environmental Protection
Associate Project Partners
- City of Langenfeld