Post-processing for quantum key distribution with continuous and discrete variables.
The goal of the project "Post-Processing for Quantum Key Distribution with Continuous and Discrete Variables (QuNET+ProQuake)" is the development of a platform for QKD post-processing.
Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: November 2022 - November 2025
In addition to the actual transmission of quantum states, every quantum key distribution (QKD) method requires various post-processing steps that distill secure keys from the measured raw data. Within the scope of this project, such methods will be implemented as software as well as hardware modules, taking into account the different QKD protocols and QKD-systems that are developed within the QuNET initiative. Fraunhofer HHI contributes to the development of this QKD post-processing platform in particular with focus on QKD protocols based on discrete quantum states. The research team at HHI develops suitable interfaces and integrates the post-processing platform into the in-house QKD system. The complete system will then be used for demonstrating QKD technology in various applications and use-case scenarios.