Research Groups

Technologies and Standards

The Technologies and Standards (TST) Group focuses on the development of new technologies and Standards.

Head of Group: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Haustein

Head of Group: Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Wirth 

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Signal Processing and Sensing

The "Signal Processing and Sensing" (SPS) group specializes in signal processing for radio communication and sensing, sidelink communication, and development of end-to-end testbeds for practical demonstration of the new research concepts.

Head of Group: Dr. Kenan Turbić

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Optimization and Learning for Communications

The OLC group leverages modern mathematical tools and a profound theoretical understanding of wireless networks to create efficient, scalable for signal processing and machine learning in communication systems.

Head of Group: Dr. Renato L. G. Cavalcante

Head of Group: Dr.-Ing. Jochen Fink

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Connected Intelligence and Robotics

The Connected Intelligence and Robotics  (CIR) group focuses on different aspects of wireless connectivity, including wireless system design (beyond-5G and 6G), Internet of Things (IoT), learning algorithms for radio access, and communication security. 

Head of Group: Dr.-Ing. Zoran Utkovski

Head of Group: Dr.-Ing. Johannes Dommel

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The mm-Wave Group (mm-Wave) focuses on design, simulation, and implementation of mobile communication and measurement systems for frequencies up to 500 GHz.

Head of Group: Dr.-Ing. Michael Peter

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Prototype Development and Systems Integration

The Prototype Development and Systems Integration (PDI) group deals with the development and construction of commercially still unavailable key components of novel mobile radio networks and their integration into existing systems.

Head of Group: Dipl.-Ing. Leszek Raschkowski

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Sustainable and Modular Networks

The Sustainable and Modular Networks (SMN) group researches ORAN, integrated communication and sensing, intelligent reflecting surfaces, channel charting, and digital twins. Our modular approach connects diverse disciplines to develop innovative and sustainable future networks.

Head of Group: M.Sc. Patrick Agostini

head of Group: Dr.-Ing. Ehsan Tohidi

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