Competence center for resource-conscious information and communication technology
Within the scope of GreenICT, the Photonic Networks department will upgrade the optical system laboratory in the hub "energy-saving communication infrastructures" so that it can determine or optimize the energy requirements of optical transmission systems. Furthermore, network operators, system suppliers and component manufacturers will be enabled to minimize energy and resource requirements through load-adaptive system control.
Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: August 2022 - January 2026
In the project "Green ICT @ FMD", a Green ICT Competence Centre is being established under the leadership of the Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland (FMD) as a contribution to the implementation of the Federal Government's Green ICT mission. Based on the offers, structures and competences for application-oriented research in the field of microelectronics created with the FMD, the aim of the Green-ICT Competence Centre is to support a improved resource conservation and a significant reduction of the CO2 footprint in the further development of ICT applications and infrastructures. Measures to save energy in the fibre-optic-based and mobile communications infrastructure play a key role in ensuring the digitalisation of society in the long term. Together with the partners in the project, the HHI has set itself the goal of providing German and European industry with a development, test and reference environment to ensure the energy- and resource-saving operation of future telecommunications and industrial network infrastructures. In addition, this will strengthen the objective of technology sovereignty anchored in the funding policy goals.