Research Groups

The research groups of the "Photonic Networks and Systems" department focus on optical communication for various distances, ranging from underwater and core networks to metro and access networks, as well as free-space systems, digital signal processing, electronic systems, and space division multiplexing for enhancing the efficiency of optical systems.

Submarine and Core Systems

The group "Submarine and Core Systems" (SCS) conducts research and development in the field of optical communications systems for medium to long distances (40 to 10.000 km).

Head of Group: Dr. rer. nat. Colja Schubert

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Metro, Access and In-house Systems

The group "Metro-, Access and Inhouse Systems" (MAI) conducts research and development in the field of wireless and fiber-based optical communications for short distances (< 100 km).

Head of Group: Dr. rer. nat. Volker Jungnickel

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Free-Space Optical Systems

The group "Free-Space Optical Systems" (FSO) offers expertise and solutions for wireless high-speed point-to-point links.

Head of Group: Dr.-Ing. Nicolas Perlot

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Digital Signal Processing

The group "Digital Signal Processing" (DSP) conducts research and development in the field of digital signal processing for optical communication systems.

Head of Group: Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fischer

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Electronic Systems

The group "Electronic Systems" is working on the development of electronic components for scientific applications. Their range of services includes analog, digital, and RF design, featuring state-of-the-art microprocessors and FPGAs, as well as the development of CE- and EMI-certified devices.

Head of Group: Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Hilt

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Space Division Multiplexing

The group "Space-Division Multiplexing" (SDM) is researching optical fiber systems that aim at maximizing the efficiency of communication infrastructures with the transmission of several data streams over different spatial domains.

Head of Group: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Rademacher

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