Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Health
July 2018 – present
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and World Health Organization (WHO) Focus Group on "Artificial Intelligence for Health" (FG-AI4H; see project website) is establishing a platform on which AI applications for health can be rigorously evaluated against a system of standards. The Machine Learning group provides organizational and technical support to the focus group. For the latter, this includes guidance in the selection of representative training data for evaluation of AI algorithms and enhancing the interpretability and transparency of AI algorithms.
Project Partners
- International Telecommunications Union
- World Health Organization
- The Lancet
- REDDS Capital
- And more
[1] | Luis Oala, Jana Fehr, Luca Gilli, Pradeep Balachandran, Alixandro Werneck Leite, Saul Calderon-Ramirez, Danny Xie Li, Gabriel Nobis, Erick Alejandro Muñoz Alvarado, Giovanna Jaramillo-Gutierrez, Christian Matek, Arun Shroff, Ferath Kherif, Bruno Sanguinetti, and Thomas Wiegand. “ML4H Auditing: From Paper to Practice”. In: Proceedings of the Machine Learning for Health NeurIPS Workshop. Ed. by Emily Alsentzer, Matthew B. A. McDermott, Fabian Falck, Suproteem K. Sarkar, Subhrajit Roy, and Stephanie L. Hyland. Vol. 136. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. PMLR, Nov. 2020, pp. 280–317. URL: https://proceedings.mlr.press/v136/oala20a.html. |
[2] | Marcel Salathé, Thomas Wiegand, and Markus Wenzel. “Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Health”. In: arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1809.04797 (Sept. 2018), arXiv:1809.04797. arXiv: 1809.04797 [cs.AI]. |
[3] | Markus Wenzel and Thomas Wiegand. “Toward Global Validation Standards for Health AI”. In: IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 4.3 (2020), pp. 64–69. DOI: 10.1109/MCOMSTD.001.2000006. |
[4] | Markus A. Wenzel and Thomas Wiegand. “Towards International Standards for the Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence for Health”. In: 2019 ITU Kaleidoscope: ICT for Health: Networks, Standards and Innovation (ITU K). 2019, pp. 1–10. DOI: 10.23919/ITUK48006.2019.8996131. |
[5] | Thomas Wiegand, Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Monique Kuglitsch, Naomi Lee, Sameer Pujari, Marcel Salathé, Markus Wenzel, and Shan Xu. “WHO and ITU establish benchmarking process for artificial intelligence in health”. In: The Lancet 394.10192 (July 2019), pp. 9–11. ISSN: 0140-6736. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)30762-7. URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)30762-7. |
[6] | Wiegand, T., Lee, N., Pujari, S., Singh, M., Xu, S., Kuglitsch, M., Lecoultre, M., Riviere-Cinnamond, A., Weicken, E., Wenzel, M., Leite, A.W., Campos, S. & Quast, B, (2020). Whitepaper for the ITU/WHO Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Health. |
[7] | Contributions to the ITU/WHO focus group are published on https://itu.int/go/fgai4h/collab (free ITU account needed: https://itu.int/go/fgai4h/reg) |