Computer Vision & Graphics
Computer Vision & Graphics (CVG) concentrates on advanced algorithmic solutions for 3D image & video analysis and synthesis.
Head of Group: Dr.-Ing. Anna Hilsmann
Immersive Media & Communication
Immersive Media & Communication (IMC) offers solutions for all kinds of applications related to immersive media, augmented and virtual reality as well as volumetric video.
Heads of Group: Ingo Feldmann, Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Schreer
Capture & Display Systems
Capture & Display Systems (CDS) focuses on innovative software and hardware solutions for complex capture and display systems in the area of 2D and 3D video processing.
Head of Group: Christian Weissig

Interactive & Cognitive Systems
The research group Interactive & Cognitive Systems (ICS) studies artificial and natural cognitive systems and their relationships and develops methods of advanced interaction between them.
Head of Group: Dr. Sebastian Bosse