Hydrogen sensors for the early detection of fire and explosion hazards caused by leaks in hydrogen tanks and pipes in the technology sector of "mobility with fuel cells"
Duration: 01.03.2020-28.02.2022
Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economy (BMWI)- ZIM
In the field of trucks and vans, hydrogen-powered fuel cell technology is currently on the threshold of entering the market. In this context, security is a central issue for high acceptance and sustainable success. Hydrogen sensors for monitoring leaks in the tank and along pipes of the vehicles enable the installation of an early warning system, which can be extended by an active preventive shutdown. The electronic type sensors currently available on the market are difficult to integrate and are themselves a potential source of danger due to electronic short circuits. For this reason, optical methods are to be preferred, as their electrical power supply is located outside the danger zone. The consortium has decided to develop hydrogen sensors based on sensor-functionalized glass fibers - under the special aspect of usability in sensor networks so that monitoring is possible at several potentially dangerous points at the same time.