Computer Vision & Graphics

The Computer Vision and Graphics (CVG) group is an active research group carrying out innovative research in the field of Visual Computing. We combine extensive expertise in Computer Vision on the analysis side, i.e. capturing, sensing and understanding the visual real world and Computer Graphics on the synthesis side, i.e. modelling into digital representations and animation of these models as well as rendering and visualization, often in an analysis-by-synthesis cycle. In this context, we combine CV & CG models with deep neural networks and especially develop model-based deep learning methods, that integrate a-priori and model knowlegde into neural architectures. We develop sophisticated solutions for virtual, augmented and extended reality for a broad range of applications for industry, multimedia, medicine and security. Current topics include human shape/motion analysis and synthesis, computational video, image and video understanding, biomedical image analysis, generative models as well as augmented reality.

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Research Topics

The research addresses different fields in the area of Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Visual Computing.

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Current research at the CVG group is based on numerous projects from industry and public funding bodies on European and national level.

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Journal papers, conference proceedings, talks and tutorials, standardization contributions and books. Find out about the publications of our group.

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Student Opportunities

We offer exciting topics for Bachelor- and Masterthesis or opportunities to work with us as a student research assistant.

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