Flexible and Resilient Optical Network Technologies for Resistant & UNinterrupted access NEtwoRks
As part of FRONT-RUNNER, the Photonic Networks department will develop a framework for proactive attack detection together with an end-to-end ML pipeline for real-time execution of the developed algorithms, as well as work closely with the other partners to incorporate their developments into demonstrations in the HHI laboratory.
Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: January 2023 - December 2025
Natural disasters, blackouts and cyber-attacks have led to widespread and sometimes prolonged outages in line-based access networks in recent years. These far-reaching effects on optical access networks are to be mitigated by the work within the framework of this collaborative project.
The FRONT-RUNNER project aims to develop new architectures, technologies and operational concepts that will sustainably improve the robustness and resilience of optical access networks. The first step is to investigate how climatic conditions, geographical circumstances and dependencies on energy supply can be taken into account in the planning phase and how their impact on network operation can be minimized. The goal of FRONT-RUNNER is future optical access networks that are "resilient by design", operate autonomously, monitor themselves continuously, recognize threat scenarios and can heal themselves in the event of faults