Energy storages represent the essential key element in the implementation of a transportation system based on electric or hydrogen mobility, as well as an energy sector consisting of sustainable energy conversion systems. Because of their technological maturity, in particular Lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells are indispensable tools for meeting the challenges ahead.
Increasing energy densities and higher technology complexity are accompanied by greater demands on the precision of characterization methods and the reliability of safety systems, with additional stricter standards being set for the cost-effectiveness of technical solutions. The Energy Storage Sensor Technology group develops measurement systems which enable the most precise changes in state to be recorded and provided to the user. Furthermore, safety systems are designed and implemented to prevent a loss of the entire system in the event of a malfunction and to ensure the protection of the surrounding environment. A comprehensive test portfolio is available for the development of sensors, characterization and safety systems, with which internal research activities as well as those supported by cooperation partners can be realized in a target-oriented manner.

Research Topics
The key topic of the group is the development of sensor and analysis systems for the state evaluation of energy storage systems. The special focus is set on safety-critical applications, sensitive infrastructures as well as high-risk operational requirements.

The current research projects focus on the rapid characterization of battery cells and the early detection of cell failures. Furthermore, sensors for learning neural networks and battery cell integration for internal measurements are under development.

Battery and Sensor Test Center (BST)
The Battery and Sensor Test Center was founded in 2014 in cooperation with the Clausthal University of Technology with the objective to develop market-ready technology solutions together with our research and industry partners in an application-oriented and efficient manner within a secured environment. The scientific and technical focus is placed on battery safety and state characterization.