Efficient video compression as well as the transport, personalization and understanding of compressed video are key elements for the success of current and emerging services. The work of the Multimedia Communications Group (MC) in this area focuses on the interaction between video coding, in-network processing and wired and wireless transmission. The Groups expertise lies in development of novel architectures, technologies and concepts, bridging gaps through standardization in ITU, MPEG, 3GPP and IETF, and implementing real-time prototypes and software components. Interesting applications are in all sectors that use compressed video such as traditional IPTV or OTT services or in emerging areas such as Connected Cars, Industrial Internet or Cloud based Surveillance Systems.
Research Topics
Our research topics address different fields in the areas of video compression, transport, networking, integration in wired and wireless transmission systems, as well as real-time processing and understanding of compressed video.
Journal papers, conference proceedings, talks and tutorials, standardization contributions and books. Find out about the publications of our group.
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