The detector group develops and manufactures photodetector chips and modules based on its in-house InP-technology according to customer specifications focusing on telecom and sensing applications. Our strengths include high-speed high-power photodetectors with a 3dB-bandwidth up to 150 GHz and low noise high responsivity InGaAs photodiodes. The photodiodes cover the SWIR wavelength range of 780 nm - 2500 nm including the datacom O-band (1310 nm) and telecom C-band (1550 nm). Besides standard PIN photodiode types also avalanche photodiodes (APD), single photon avalanche detectors (SPAD) and uni-travelling carrier (UTC) are developed and fabricated. The photodetectors comprise besides photodiodes also e.g. optical 90° hybrids for coherent Rx. Packaging the photodetector chips with TIAs into a housing, a variety of photoreceivers can be provided.

Research Topics
Our research topics include surface illuminated and waveguide-integrated photodiodes, using III-V semiconductors materials as InGaAsP and InAlGaAs material compositions on InP substrates. As services, we offer photodetector design, design of mask sets, epitaxial wafer growth, wafer processing, anti-refelction coating, high-speed optoelectronic characterization and prototype packaging into fiber-pigtailed modules with RF connectors up to several hundred GHz.
Explore the current and finished projects of the DET Group. Realized for public and industrial clients.