Demonstrator 3D-LivingLab for the 3Dsensation research alliance
A joint research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the 3Dsensation research alliance.
Duration: March 2017 – February 2019

The Alliance 3Dsensation is an interdisciplinary collaboration in the technology fields 3D-capturing, -processing and -output in transsectorial application areas of production, mobility, health and safety. In order to be able to present and market the broadband research and development work that is taking place here, joint demonstrator systems are necessary and important. The aim of this strategic targeted measure is to build up a representative demonstrator system in which an intuitive interaction between humans and technology is made available to the 3Dsensation consortium for further research purposes. This demonstrator will combine and integrate visual, acoustic and haptic technologies.
Gesture-Interaction-Components for 3D-LivingLab
Fraunhofer HHI is responsible for the subproject >>Gesture-Interaction-Components<<.
Based on the extensive experience of the Vision & Imaging Technologies department in the field of contact-free human-computer interaction and computer vision, a touchless control for 3D-LivingLab will be developed.
Our objective is the calculation of movements of users and objects, and in particular on the extraction of body movements in front of the "ball-wall" demonstrator. In this case depth sensors and algorithms will be used to capture the entire body.
3D-LivingLab project consortium
- Fraunhofer IWU
- Fraunhofer IOF
- TU Chemnitz
- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena
- FusionSystems GmbH
- Palindrome Dance Company, Inc./e.V.
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