

Primetime Engineering Emmy Award for HEVC

The Joint Collaborative-Team for Video Coding (JCT-VC) receives the 2017 Primetime Emmy Engineering Award for the development of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard. As members of the JCT-VC, Fraunhofer HHI, Huawei, MediaTek, Nokia, Qualcomm Incorporated, Samsung and Sony Corp. contributed to the development of HEVC, a standard specification that enables efficient de-livery in ultra-high-definition (UHD) content over multiple distribution channels.

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Anna Hilsmann is second prize winner of the ARD/ZDF advancement award

Fraunhofer HHI scientist Anna Hilsmann is among the winners of the ARD/ZDF advancement award „Frauen + Medientechnologie“ of 2017. Her dissertation “Image Based Approaches for Photo Realistic Rendering of Complex Objects” was chosen by a jury among the best three theses.

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Germany's "Digital Minds" 2014

Executive Director Thomas Wiegand was voted among Germany's "digital minds" for his contributions to German science. He is a national and international award-winning pioneer in the field of video transmission and high-speed communication. His scientific contributions facilitate data transmissions that will permanently change the way we use digital media and our everyday lives.

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Emmy for MPEG-2 Transportstrom Standard

The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), in which Fraunhofer HHI is involved, receives the Emmy for the development of the "MPEG-2 Transport Stream" standard. Dr. Thomas Schierl, department head of "Video Communication and Applications" and his team have been working on the integration of current video codecs since 2007: Almost all digital receivers today have the "MPEG-2 Transport Stream" format for the transmission of videos.

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For the Future of the Multimedia Industry – Prof. Wiegand receives the Leadership Award of the IMTC

Professor Wiegand was once again honored for his outstanding work on the further development of the H.265/MPEG-HEVC video compression standard. This award is given to individuals who have made significant contributions to the future of the multimedia industry. In his acceptance speech, Prof. Wiegand expressed his particular delight at being honored by an industry consortium because it also recognizes the global economic relevance of his research work.

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