Co-funded by: Subcontractor in a EU project
Duration: September 2011 - September 2013
Topic: The objective of the GreenNets project is to tackle the energy consumption challenge for cellular radio networks and enable the introduction on the market of advanced tools and software platforms to assist operators in enhancing energy efficiency of their current and future network deployments.
The objective of the GreenNets project is to tackle the energy consumption challenge for cellular radio networks and enable the introduction on the market of advanced tools and software platforms to assist operators in enhancing energy efficiency of their current and future network deployments.
This is to be done by developing sophisticated methods and tools in four directions:
- For analysing the energy efficiency in existing deployments;
- For finding measures to improve the efficiency;
- For implementing those measures in dedicated software platforms; and
- For establishing the ability to migrate to more energy efficient radio network deployments in face of sharply rising mobile network traffic.
GreenNets will optimize your networks performance. GreenNets means less energy consumed in your networks and reduces electrosmog and CO2 emission.