March 21, 2018

Wojciech Samek, Head of Machine Learning Group at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI, was invited to hold a plenary talk at the “IML Workshop on Machine Learning”. The workshop will take place from April 9 to 12, 2018, at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN in Geneva and is hosted by the “Inter-experimental LHC Machine Learning (IML) Working Group”. Wojciech Samek will give his lecture “Interpreting Deep Neural Networks and their Predictions” at the IML Workshop on the 10th of April.
The Inter-experimental LHC (Large Hadron Collider) Machine Learning (IML) Working Group is focused on the development of modern state-of-the-art Machine Learning methods, techniques and practices for high-energy physics (HEP) problems. The group provides solutions, software and training beneficial to LHC and other high-energy physics experiments as well as a forum where on-going work and relevant issues are discussed by the community.
In regular meetings, best practices and techniques are identified and solutions to common problems and ways to tackle open challenges are determined. In addition, the group provides an interface for the Machine Learning (ML) community at large, which benefits from both outside progress in HEP, as well as exporting ML solutions developed in HEP to the outside.
Wojciech Samek conducts research in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Network, Deep Learning, and Interpretable Machine Learning and more.
Further information on the workshop can be found here .