Once the Association for the Promotion of the Institute for Oscillation Research was able to fulfill the requirements to found a non-profit organization, it operated the Heinrich-Hertz-Institut in conjunction with TU Berlin from fall 1955. The Institute was reopened to continue its classical tradition on October 1st, 1955.
On September 20th, 1955, the funding association of the Heinrich-Hertz-Institut passed a resolution to amend its statutes at a second general meeting. It now fulfilled the legislative requirements to found a non-profit organization. In cooperation with the Technical University, it could now operate the institute as a registered German non-profit association (e.V.). The Heinrich-Hertz-Institut was reopened on October 1st, 1955.
Henceforth, the committee of the funding association consisted of six people: Dr. Frenze acted as chairman. He was deputized by Dean Prof. Dr. Lorenz. The position of treasurer went to Dr. Klemm and Dr. Herz was appointed President. The board also included Prof. Dr. Nestel and Senior Postal Officer Dr. Moench, who acted as an executive member of the board.
The main features of the organization corresponded to the Institute founded by Prof. Dr. Wagner 25 years earlier. Once again, the facility was subdivided into its four original departments of High-frequency Technology, Acoustics, Mechanics, and Telecommunications. Professor Dr. Gundlach, Dr. Cremer, Dr. Matthieu, and Dr. Rothert headed these departments, respectively.

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