Mobile World Congress 2025

MAR 2025

3 - 6

Barcelona, Spain

Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) is a world leader in the development of mobile and optical communication networks and systems as well as processing and coding of video signals. Together with international partners from research and industry, Fraunhofer HHI works in the whole spectrum of digital infrastructure – from basic research to the development of prototypes and solutions.

At Mobile World Congress 2025, Fraunhofer HHI presents the latest developments in Wireless Communications and Networks as well as Video Communication and Applications at booth 6G28, hall 6 and in Photonic Networks and Systems at the Pavilion 7B81, hall 7, on March 3 - 6 in Barcelona, Spain.

CampusOS flagship project

CampusOS flagship project demonstrates open and modular 5G campus networks in various applications

The CampusOS project supports the development of an ecosystem for 5G private networks (campus networks) on the basis of open and modular radio technologies and interoperable network components. This enables manufacturer independence and more competition and innovation in order to strengthen the digital sovereignty of companies in Germany and Europe.

In the CampusOS project, 22 partners from industry and research are developing reference architectures and technologies tailored to the economy, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The project is run by Fraunhofer Institutes FOKUS and HHI.

The following partners and projects are showcasing their results: ATESIO, BISDN, Bosch, EANTC AG, Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI), Kubermatic , MUGLER SE, Node-H GmbH, Rohde & Schwarz, i14y, xG-Incubator: Airpuls, and MassiveBeams.

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Technical Contact

Elena Kempf-Loeck

Elena Kempf-Loeck

Senior Project Manager and Public Relations

LiFi over Powerline

Analog Forwarding of LiFi Signals over Powerline Communication in Homes

LiFi is mobile communication by using the light. It found first markets in military and security. To lower cost in the residential market, we forward LiFi signals using powerline communication (PLC) to every luminaire where a LiFi access point is ideally placed. This brings LiFi into every home.

Fraunhofer HHI, in collaboration with its project partners devolo and Teleconnect, is developing innovative LiFi solutions for industrial applications. The technology is being researched and further advanced through the LincNet (BMWK), 5G-COMPASS (BMDV), and OWIN6G (EU) projects.

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Technical Contact

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Volker Jungnickel

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Volker Jungnickel

Head of Metro, Access and In-house Systems Group

Phone +49 30 31002-768

Atiyeh Pouralizadeh Gelehpordesari

Reaserch Associate

Phone +49 30 31002-9568

300 GHz outdoor connection in live operation

Fraunhofer HHI is demonstrating its 300 GHz communication prototype with a live data transmission over a 500-meter outdoor connection in Berlin

THz Wireless Communication uses high-frequency RF carriers (> 100 GHz) to complement the existing communication infrastructure with extremely high wireless data rates over highly directive P2P links. Fraunhofer HHI is demonstrating its 300 GHz  communication prototypes by showcasing live telemetry data of a 500-m outdoor link in Berlin.

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Technical Contact

Dr.-Ing. Robert Elschner

Dr.-Ing. Robert Elschner

Project Manager

Phone +49 30 31002-443

Compression for 3D Gaussian Splatting with Standard Video Codecs

Leveraging existing video hardware for compression of 3DGS

Fraunhofer HHI demonstrates a compact 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) scene representation using a grid-based feature plane model that uses a standard video codec (e.g., H.264/AVC or H.265/HEVC) to achieve high compression rates with low complexity and leveraging existing hardware video decoders.

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Technical Contact

Soonbin Lee

Soonbin Lee

Research Associate