Wieland Morgenstern

Wieland Morgenstern is a Research Associate at the Computer Vision and Graphics Group in the Vision and Imaging Technologies Department.


Our paper Compact 3D Scene Representation via Self-Organizing Gaussian Grids has been accepted at ECCV 2024 and will be presented in Milano in October!

We are building a survey on compression of 3D Gaussian Splatting scenes, comparing different approaches: 3DGS.zip: A survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting Compression Methods

We presented our paper Animatable Virtual Humans: Learning pose-dependent human representations in UV space for interactive performance synthesis at IEEE VR 2024!

Our paper "X-maps: Direct Depth Lookup for Event-based Structured Light Systems" has been accepted at the CVPR 2023 Workshop on Event-based Vision. Find more information on the project page https://fraunhoferhhi.github.io/X-maps/


Wieland Morgenstern is performing research in animation of humans from volumetric video, pairing mesh-based approaches with machine learning, and investigating hybrid model-based Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) approaches. A recent focus is a compact 2D-grid based representation of 3D scenes (including humans) with 3D Gaussian Splatting. Another research area is building Spatial Augmented Reality experiences with event cameras.

Before joining Fraunhofer HHI in 2018, Wieland worked as a Computer Vision Engineer at VideoStitch/Orah from 2014-2018. He received a B.Sc. degree in 2012 and a M.Sc. degree in 2015 from Ilmenau Technical University.


Projects/Research Topics


Scalable Platform for Innovations on Real-time Immersive Telepresence


October 2022 - September 2025


Volumetric professor for omnipresent and user-optimized teaching in mixed reality

September 2021 – August 2024



Innovative Volumetric Capture and Editing Tools for Ubiquitous Storytelling


October 2020 – September 2022



Personalised Content Creation for the Deaf Community in a Connected Digital Single Market

September 2017 - November 2020



cReative-asset harvEsting PipeLine to Inspire Collective-AuThoring and Experimentation


January 2016 – December 2018


CVMP Best Paper Award 2019

The paper "Progressive Non-rigid Registration of Temporal Mesh Sequences" received the Best Paper Award at the 6th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP) in London. The prize is sponsored by the ACM Europe Council. Dr.-Ing. Anna Hilsmann, group leader Computer Vision and Graphics at Fraunhofer HHI, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Eisert, head of the Vision & Imaging Technologies department at Fraunhofer HHI, received the award as co-authors.