In order to guarantee wide-ranging applicability of digital technologies, standards are used to define a uniform framework for developers and regulators. Artificial intelligence is no exception and there are multiple national and international organizations and efforts that are working on standards that can be used to ensure trust and interoperability. We are actively contributing to several such standardization efforts on national and international level as well as different application fields.

The ITU/WHO Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Health is a joint project with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The goal of the focus group is to create a standardized assessment framework for AI methods in health. Members of the focus group cover multiple areas and are active members from research, government agencies, clinics, and many more. The AML group is very active in supporting the works of the FG and engage on a scientific, organizational and strategical level. For further information visit the project website.

The ITU/WMO/UNEP Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Natural Disaster Management works on establishing a roadmap for an effective and secure use of AI methods for natural disaster management. The areas dover data collection and handling, improving modelling across spatiotemporal scales, and providing effective communication. For further information visit the project website
Other national and international activities
We are contributing to several other standardisation organisation on a national and international level. One of our recent activities are the German national roadmap for artificial intelligence for which over 300 national experts have worked in seven different working groups on topics such as industrial automation, mobility and logistics, medicine, ethics, quality and certification and other topics. Member of the AML group were part of different working groups and have actively supported this effort.