November 18, 2019
Master plan of the joint Cluster Optics and Photonics to be published

The Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises of the State of Berlin and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy of the State of Brandenburg jointly presented an amended master plan for the development of the "Cluster Optik und Photonik Berlin Brandenburg" (Optics and Photonics Cluster Berlin Brandenburg) in the framework of the Photonics Cluster conference.
The master plan of the Optics and Photonics Cluster was jointly developed and coordinated with research institutions and companies. The cluster strategy defines the current focus of work on how the industrial sector will develop in the future: In the coming years, the cluster players will concentrate on topics such as microelectronics, quantum technology and agriphotonics. The master plan also calls for the actors to form technology-oriented cooperation partnerships promptly. Future cooperation will also focus on recruiting specialists and integrating start-ups and foundations. The master plan Optics and Photonics contains the new field of action quantum technology for communication and sensor technology. This gives the topic of digitization a new quality and literally enables quantum leaps for innovations.
Please find the Press Releases (German only) here:
The cross-national Optics and Photonics Cluster in Berlin Brandenburg merges the fields of optical technologies and microsystem technologies that are key enabling technologies of the 21st century. The Cluster combines university and research institutions, innovative technology companies and medium-sized enterprises into a network that fosters cooperations among enterprises and research facilities and leads to an improvement of innovative capability of the cluster partners.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Schell, Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI, has been spokesman for the Cluster since 2017. He handed over the amended master plan to Brandenburg's Economics Minister Prof. Jörg Steinbach and Berlin's State Secretary Christian Rickerts on November 18, 2019.