July 26, 2018

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) establishes a new Focus Group on "Artificial Intelligence for Health" in partnership with the World Health Association (WHO). Prof. Thomas Wiegand, Executive Director of Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute and professor at TU Berlin, has been appointed chair of the Focus Group. Dr. Ramesh S. Krishnamurthy (WHO), Prof. Marcel Salathé, (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne), and Min Dong (China Academy of Information and Communications Technology) have been appointed vice-chairs.
The Focus Group aims to lay the foundations for applying artificial intelligence (AI) to health issues on a global scale. For this purpose, opportunities for the international standardization will be identified, which guarantee large scale usage, interoperability and quality of the technology. In particular, a standardized assessment framework with open benchmarks will be established for the evaluation of AI-based methods related to health.