October 17, 2018

Fraunhofer HHI, being one of the major actors in Li-Fi R&D worldwide, announces an upgrade of its real-time Li-Fi system achieving over-the-air data rates of up to 1.6 Gbit/s. This practically doubles the data rates in all involved application scenarios, as compared to the previous generation. The new digital signal processor (DSP) follows ITU-T recommendation G.hn (2015) and supports 200 MHz bandwidth.
The upgraded Li-Fi system will be presented at the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Summit, to be held October 16-17 in London, U.K. typo3/ where the focus is on innovative fixed access technologies to bridge the last mile. One current research objective is to demonstrate the practicality of Li-Fi in pilot installations, for instance in the mobile backhaul.
Optical wireless communication is a future technology for fixed and mobile communication over relatively short distances. Possible applications are wireless back- and fronthaul for 5G, industrial wireless and a capacity upgrade for ultra-dense Wi-Fi and cellular deployments e.g. in conference rooms, aircrafts and the future Internet of Things.