January 30, 2018

The Heinrich-Hertz-Institut was founded over a period of several months. Prof. Karl Willy Wagner took over as head of the newly founded Heinrich Hertz Institute for Oscillation Research on August 1, 1927. However, the formal establishment of the Institute was not complete until it received the seal of the Prussian Minister for Sciences, Arts and Public Education in February 1928.
In commemoration of this occasion, this February we will begin with a collection of highlights from 90 years in the history of the Heinrich-Hertz-Institut. Weekly news items will take a closer look at the detailed history of the Institute and at important technological developments and prominent personalities associated with the Institute.
For example, in 2003 the Institute developed the "Bürgeramts-Koffer", a collection of mobile devices that brings municipal administrative services directly to the individual citizen. And Fritz Sennheiser, founder of the Sennheiser concern, wrote his Diplom degree dissertation project at the HHI in 1936. These fascinating facts and more will be appearing together this year in the new section "90 Years of HHI".