OFC 2024
MAR 2024
26 - 28
San Diego, USA

The Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) is a world leader in the development for mobile and optical communication networks and systems as well as processing and coding of video signals. Together with international partners from research and industry, Fraunhofer HHI works in the whole spectrum of digital infrastructure – from fundamental research to the development of prototypes and solutions.
At OFC 2024 Fraunhofer HHI presents the latest developments in Photonic Components, Networks and Systems at Fraunhofer Booth 3627 from March 26-28 in San Diego, USA.
Hybrid PICs
Polymer and Silicon Nitride Integration Platforms
Fraunhofer HHI offers hybrid photonic integrated circuits tailored towards their specific application from VIS to NIR.
The polymer and silicon nitride platforms of Fraunhofer HHI are specifically suitable for actives passives integration. Photonic building blocks including ring resonators, MMIs, AWGs, tunable gratings and phase shifters are available. The micro-optical bench allows for on-chip integration of polarization & wavelength handling elements as well as optical isolators, circulators, and nonlinear crystals for quantum technologies.
Photonics for on-site sensor systems
Robust sensor chips for medical technology and analytics
Photonic sensors based on silicon nitride are ideal for applications in medical technology and analytics due to their high sensitivity. Functionalized surfaces of the sensors enable the specific parallel detection of various molecules.
The Fraunhofer HHI sensor system solves the challenge of robust single-mode coupling with the help of well-matched optical couplers and a compact mechanical mount. This allows the advantages of integrated optical sensors to be utilized in on-site applications.
Live Demonstration of PIConnect
Plug and Play PIC Evaluation with PIConnect
Take the chance to experience Fraunhofer HHI's PIC evaluation setup and win a 2x8 mm² InP design cell! Experience our system live and interactively, which integrates 4 laser drivers, 1 TEC and 8 current and voltage sources. The PIC is mounted and connected on the integrated PIConnect submount and enables parallel operation of several photonic building blocks, replacing 21 discrete controllers.
Visit us and play POINSNAKÉ using PIConnect. At the end of OFC, the player with the highest score can win a MPW design cell!
High-Speed Photodetector Modules
Components for 1Tb/s Transmission and Microwave Photonics
Fraunhofer HHI provides single and balanced photodetector modules with a bandwidth up to 145 GHz operating from the O- to the L-band. The intended application for the modules is high-speed test and measurement. Our novel module design provides higher and smother RF performance and improved reliability.
Thin-Film Lithium-Niobate Wafer
100 GHz Coherent Receiver Frontend with Optical Extender Heads
Fraunhofer offers a fully integrated 100 GHz bandwidth coherent receiver frontend with optical extender heads
To cope with the continuously growing demand for bandwidth over multiple wavelength bands in telecom and datacom applications, Fraunhofer HHI researchers developed a Coherent Receiver Frontend (CRF), offering 100 GHz bandwidth detection with polarization- and phase-diversity over S+C+L-band. Its unique features are optical extender heads with robust 1mm RF ruggedized connectors enabling high signal integrity, robust testing & measurement performance and convenient handling & operation for our customers.
400G Coherent Optical Frontend
Fraunhofer presents a compact 400G I/Q transmitter and coherent receiver for high-bitrate transmission experiments
The 400G Coherent Optical Frontend is a compact optical transceiver to demonstrate high-bitrate data transmission. The transceiver allows for flexible generation and detection of optical data signals up to 64 GBaud. This corresponds to 400 Gbit/s using PDM-16QAM modulation. Several transceivers can be combined in one chassis to realize a multi-channel system, e.g. for space-division multiplexing.
Integrated Coherent Optical Receiver
Fraunhofer HHI and ID Photonics offer a fully integrated Coherent Optical Reference Receiver with up to 60 GHz
The latest test & measurement equipment launched by Fraunhofer HHI and ID Photonics is the fully integrated Coherent Optical Reference Receiver. It comprises a high-bandwidth coherent receiver with transimpedance amplifiers to convert optical data signals with various modulation formats (e.g. QPSK and m-QAM) into electrical RF baseband signals with an o/e bandwidth up to 60 GHz. Its unique features are a high fidelity tuneable C-band laser source and a fully integrated Coherent Optical Receiver, allowing operation at symbol rates beyond 120 GBaud, enabling transmission capacities in the Terabit/s single carrier regime.
Data Sovereign Telemetry Framework
Live Demo of ML-assisted Capacity Adjustment of Open Terminals
We demonstrate autonomous link-capacity adjustment of open terminals, in optical metro aggregation networks, that relies on a transformer-based traffic forecaster to minimize over-provisioning.
We use the Data Sovereign Telemetry Framework of Fraunhofer HHI to monitor the aggregation switches as well as the performance of the open terminals once been reconfigured.
The live demonstration will be carried out on the large-scale photonics testbed of Fraunhofer HHI located in its premises in Berlin.
Integrated DP-IQ Reference-Transmitter
Fraunhofer HHI and ID Photonics offer a fully integrated High-Bandwidth DP-IQ Reference Transmitter
Fraunhofer HHI and ID Photonics are presenting at this years OFC the DP-IQ Reference Transmitter. It is a fully integrated optical frontend instrument that converts differential electrical RF signals into various optical modulation formats (e.g. QPSK and m-QAM) using a high fidelity tuneable laser source followed by a high-bandwidth dual-polarization IQ Mach Zehnder modulator with a flexible and highly stable automatic bias control. It is an ideal match to convert signals generated by an Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) into the optical domain.
F5G OpenLab
Fraunhofer HHI presents F5G OpenLab: Pioneer for green networks
The F5G OpenLab promotes sustainable technology through 5G fiber optic networks to reduce the CO2 footprint. Members from various industries gain access to innovative fiber optic technologies and a unique ecosystem for digital transformation.
Time to digital converter with sub nanosecond resolution (TDC)
A versatile measurement device for digitizing events in time domain with a resolution down to 0.1 nanoseconds
Fraunhofer HHI’s Timetagger is a versatile measurement device with multiple input channels allowing digitizing the time of events with a resolution of 100 ps. Switching threshold and hysteresis could be set for any input channel. The digitized events could be read by a network interface.
Fiber-to-the-Room enabled Home Network
Passive Optical Networks for future-proof in-building networks
Fraunhofer HHI presents a cost-efficient fiber-to-the-room (FTTR) system for home networks, based on a passive optical network (PON). It enables high data rates up to 10 Gbit/s and a user-friendly installation as well as operation. In addition, the large capacity of the XGS-PON makes it a sustainable and future-proof in-building network.
Conference presentations with participation of Fraunhofer HHI
Mihail Balanici et al.
"Autonomous Capacity Adjustment with Dynamic Margin Allocation for Optical Enterprise Links"
25.03.2024, 8:15 am - 8:30 am (PDT)
Carlos Natalino et al.
"Analysis of Unwanted Biases in ML-based QoT Classification Tasks"
25.03.2024, 8:30 am - 8:45 am (PDT)
Noriaki Kaneda et al.
“SC452 - FPGA Prototyping for Optical Subsystems”
25.03.2024, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm (PDT)
Mihail Balanici et al.
"Live Demonstration of Autonomous Link-Capacity Adjustment in Optical Metro-Aggregation Networks"
25.03.2024, 2:00 pm (PDT)
Vignesh Karunakaran et al.
"TAPI-based Telemetry Streaming in Multi-domain Optical Transport Network"
25.03.2024, 2:00 pm (PDT)
Tobias Tiess et al.
"Record Length of 2000km Weakly-Coupled 7-Core MCF Produced from a Single Large-Scale MCF Preform"
26.03.2024, 3:00 pm - 3:15 pm (PDT)
Hendrik Boerma et al.
„Polarization-Independent Photodetector with Integrated Optical Preamplifier and 60 GHz 3 dB Bandwidth“
26.03.2024, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm (PDT)
Jonas Gläsel et al.
„128 GBaud Coherent Receiver Engine with Flat Frequency Response“
27.03.2024, 8:00 am - 10:00 am (PDT)
Abraham Johst et al.
"Experimental Demonstration of Robust Spatial-Diversity Combining for Coherent Free-Space Optical Transmission"
27.03.2024, 10:00 am (PDT)
Cristian Antonelli et al.
"Field Transmission Performance of Few-Mode Fibers and Multicore Fibers"
27.03.2024, 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm (PDT)
E. Andrianopoulos et al.
“Demonstration of On-Chip Optical Frequency Comb Generation and Optical Injection Locking”
28.03.2024, 9:15 am - 9:30 am (PDT)
M. Kleinert et al.
“Hybrid Photonic Integrated Circuits for Quantum Communications (invited)”
28.03.2024, 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm (PDT)