M3D Final Event

NOV 2018


Berlin, Germany

The M3D project  initiated by the 3IT ends in November. To mark this occasion, the 3IT will host an event where the results of this project will be presented to the public.

M3D is a collaborative project of six partners from industry and academia, which is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). Its objective is to analyze the huge potential of the latest developments in mobile 3D capturing and 3D printing for industrial applications. These new technologies will then be utilized for the identification and printing of spare parts in the automotive and railway sectors. During the course of the project, an entire process chain was developed for capturing, processing, 3D modelling, searching in databases and 3D printing of spare parts.

The project results will be demonstrated in a workshop at 3IT on November 29. The workshop will consist of seven presentations providing an overview over the main research activities and the achieved results, as well as an exhibition of five demonstrators developed by the project partners. In addition, possibilities for the applicability of the project results will be reviewed in a discussion. The workshop will end with a get-together.

The registration, program and further information can be found here .


Marc Reznicek

Marc Reznicek

Head of Showrooms & Events

Project Manager – Forum Digital Technologies

Phone +49 30 31002-412