Integration Technologies - from Chip to PIC
MARCH 2024

Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, HHI, in cooperation with OpTecBB and Anritsu Test & Measurement, is organizing the event "Integration Technologies - from Chip to PIC" at its institute premises in Berlin.
The event focuses on innovations in the fields of optochips and photonic integrated circuits (PICs).
Register here.
09:30 am
Reception and coffee
10:00 am
Welcome: Prof. Martin Schell (Fraunhofer HHI), Dr. Adrian Mahlkow (OptecBB)
10:30 am
"Ultra low phase noise signal generation from mode locked lasers", Prof.. Christoph Scheytt (Universität Paderborn HNI), Dr. Meysam Bahmanian (Universität Paderborn Heinz-Nixdorf-Institut)
11:00 am
15 min coffee break
11:15 am
"Quick and Dirty PIC Design", Michael Kissner (Akhetonics)
11:45 am
"BERT measurement for high speed communications", Martin Storch (Anritsu)
12:15 pm
13:00 pm
"PICs in the backend of line of CMOS wafers", Prof. Anna Lena Schall-Giesecke (IMS, TU Duisburg)
13:50 pm
"tbd", Dr. Björn Globisch (Toptica Eagleyard)
14:45 pm
15 min coffee break
15:00 pm
"Optical vector network analysis", Stefano Balzarini (Anritsu)
15:20 pm
15 min coffee break
15:35 pm
"System in a package", Mr. Grawunder (Swissbit AG)
15:55 pm
"Hybrid Photonic Integration for Communications, Sensing and Quantum Technologies", Dr. Moritz Kleinert (Fraunhofer HHI)
16:15 pm
15 min coffee break
16:30 pm
"Time Domain Measurement", Stefano Balzarini (Anritsu)
17:00 pm
Closing session, Prof. Martin Schell, Dr. Adrian Mahlkow
17:15-19:00 pm
Lab tour “Pick & Place” and parallel open networking