12th ITG Conference

APR 2018

18 - 19

Berlin, Germany

Broadband Coverage in Germany

The ITG expert committee KT 2 "Communications Networks and Systems" with its specialized group "Access and Home Networks" is organizing the 12th ITG symposium "Broadband Coverage in Germany", to be held at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Einsteinufer 37, 10587 Berlin, on April 18 and 19, 2018.

Since its beginnings in 2005, the conference has been examining the technical and non-technical aspects of broadband coverage, focusing on the situation in Germany. This has always enabled participants to gain an overall picture of the development.

In 2018, the experts want to continue connecting the general objective of broadband expansion with the current developments in technology, regulation, economic viability and funding policy. Keywords here include the challenges that 5G will pose for landlines and radio network planning, the repeated question concerning the convergence of networks, as well as discussions regarding the latest technologies now being used on all forms of media to achieve bandwidths of 1G and more. All of this is expected to result in new system solutions and to have an impact on the competitive situation. The conference will thus feature presentations of the latest research results and discussions of new approaches – also of how to assess and deal with them.

Decision-makers are invited to participate as well as network and product planners working for municipalities, suppliers, network operators and manufacturers. The conference is designed to provide a platform for an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and networking.

For more information concerning dates, call for contribution, events, exhibitions and the program committee please change into the German version.