GEMIni | MEtrology | Global
>Secure, adaptive connectivity in wireless, sensor-based measurement networks
Co-funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Duration: August 2020 - December 2023
The ever faster digital transformation requires ever larger amounts of data and more precise information to describe the surrounding world. In order to obtain precise information, the quality of the acquired data, including data from sensors and actuators, as well as the reliability of the statements and conclusions derived from them is of central importance. The reliable determination and assurance of data quality is thus a prerequisite to obtain an accurate description of the surrounding world in particular for applications in the industry.
The project “safe and robustly calibrated metrological systems for the digital transformation” - GEMIMEG-II (GEMIni | MEtrology | Global) aims to develop a secure, consistent, legally compliant and legally binding end-to-end availability of information for the implementation of reliable, interlinked metrological systems. The vision is based on five central research fields: 1. robust digital calibration information, 2. reliable multiX-sensors, 3. improved quality of data, 4. secure orchestration of data and 5. future oriented communication infrastructure. These fields of research are closely investigated, and the results will be exemplary demonstrated in various applications: 1. interconnected calibration facilities, 2. industry 4.0, 3. pharma- / process industry und 4. autonomous driving. The investigation and demonstration is accompanied by a legal simulation study to investigate legal issues.
Within the GEMIMEG-II project, the department “Wireless Communications and Networks” of the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute deals with functional orchestration and secure adaptive wireless networking of massive sensor networks and distributed metrological systems.
In future industrial plants, there will be an enormous number of interconnected sensors and metrological devices embedded in the industrial environment that generate high volumes of heterogeneous machine- and production data. These data must be efficiently and quickly transferred as well as structured, filtered, linked and classified. By pre-processing the data at the local sensors, distributed metrological systems will be able to meet the response time requirements of industrial applications.
In addition, self-monitoring and self-configuration of sensors (e.g. energy consumption and data transmission volume) should be achieved even under changing environmental conditions as well as dynamic sensor networks. A basic prerequisite for this will be efficient, flexible and resilient radio communication, whereby various components will be enabled to interconnect themselves to a large system in (taking into account the dependency between the measuring process and communications) flexible, needs-oriented, low latency and independent manner.
5G-based technologies offer a promising approach for GEMIMEG-II with regard to important parameters such as short latencies and communication security. To ensure the quality of communications, the developed network solutions (including private 5G-networks) must be able to independently adapt network parameters (e.g., by machine learning) to changing environmental conditions, topologies and requirements. In combination with secure and low latency communication protocols, methods for distributed triggering and synchronization across multiple nodes are to be developed. Thus, the enabled verifiable synchronicity in networks will create new approaches for high-performance industrial metrological systems, e.g. for the measurement of delay times in communication/sensor networks or for the distributed and real-time analysis of high-dimensional problems.