Co-funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: March 2012 - August 2014
Topic: Cognitive Mobile Radio (CoMoRa) is a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It covers development, specification and demonstration of smart concepts for the cognitive radio access in future wireless networks.
CoMoRa project objectives
- Improvement of coverage and capacity in mobile radio systems through extension of existing LTE/LTE-Advanced technologies by means of cognitive and frequency-agile radio access techniques and novel radio resource allocation methods
- Innovative concepts for joint spectrum utilization in multi-operator cellular systems
- Achieving solutions which serve the needs of all spectrum licensees and licensors under consideration of the specific regulatory requirements in Germany and Europe
- Exploiting the benefits of combined utilization of the sensing information from different entities, such as terminals, the radio access network and spectrum data bases
The work packages of the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute involve:
- Increasing link-capacity of mobile hot-spots through data offloading in white spaces by cognitive repeaters
- Cooperative sensing and access in interweave cognitive radios systems based on fusion centers
- Algorithms for digital receivers to support flexible multiband operations
- New cognitive services within LTE/LTE-Advanced radio systems
CoMoRa develops cognitive radio solutions to be integrated in mobile communication systems. One major project goal is to transfer the proposed cognitive radio concepts and algorithms into practice and demonstrate key CoMoRa technologies.
The official partners within the CoMoRa project are supported by an Advisory Board with experts from selected industry areas and regulation bodies. The board will give strategic advices on requirements, relevant use cases and the system architecture for practical cognitive radio systems.
For further information, please refer to the project website www.comora.de.
M. D. Mueck, I. Karls, R. Arefi, T.Haustein, W. Keusgen "Licensed Shared Access for mmWave Cellular Broadband Communications" IEEE International Workshop on Cognitive Cellular Systems, Rhine River, Germany, Sept. 2-4, 2014
D. Wieruch, J. Pilz, P. Jung, “Compressive Gray Space Detection for Interweaved Cognitive Radio Systems”, in Proc. of ISWCS, 2013, Ilmenau, Germany
T. Wirth, B. Holfeld, D. Wieruch, R. Halfmann, K.-J. Friederichs, "System Level Performance of Cellular Networks utilizing ASA/LSA Mechanisms", IEEE CCS, 2014, Rhine River, Germany
D. Wieruch, T. Wirth (Fraunhofer HHI), O. Braz, A. Dußmann, M. Mederle, M. Müller (Commscope), „Cognitive Repeaters for Flexible Mobile Data Traffic Offloading“, in Proc. of Crowncom, 2013, Washington D.C., USA
R. Mochaourab, T. Wirth, T. Haustein, "Open Membership Coalition Formation of Cognitive Interference Systems" in Proc. of IEEE PIMRC, 2013, London, England
B. Holfeld, A. Relitz, T. Wirth (Fraunhofer HHI), E. Jorswieck (TU Dresden), "Joint Multicell Subchannel Assignment with Interference Control and Resource Fairness in Multiband OFDMA Cellular Networks", in Proc. IEEE DySPAN, 2014, McLean/VA, USA
R. Mochaourab, B. Holfeld, T. Wirth, "Distributed Channel Assignment in Cognitive Radio Networks: Stable Matching and Walrasian Equilibrium", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2015