Smart Data Disaster Management

The sd-kama project, Smart Data Disaster Management, is funded by the German Ministry of Economy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)) as part of the "Smart Data - Innovation from Data" technology program.
Duration: April 2015 – March 2018
The sd-kama project targets the development of an information platform for relief forces in the field of disaster management and control. The platform provides access to huge heterogeneous data sets from various sources in real time. Today, information about the scope and magnitude of a disaster is generally not accessible fast enough during or after a disaster. Therefore, the sd-kama project handles such short comings, as the underlying platform links basic information from satellite and aerial survey data with data from in situ sensing and crowdsourcing. The information is presented in easy usable digital situation maps. Here, sd-kama provides such situation maps, which are complete and available in real time with unprecedented information density.
Integration, analysis and information in real time
The IT infrastructure included in the sd-kama platform integrates processing and analysis of a huge amount of heterogeneous data in real time. Big data technology allows integrating and analyzing data from different sources and displays information depending on user requirements. In addition to satellite and aerial survey data, information on water levels, traffic situations, stress levels of relief forces and information from social networks such as photos, videos and comments uploaded by disaster-affected citizens and rescue teams is made available. All necessary steps for intelligent supply of information are fully automated. For this, the sd-kama project partners have developed effective integration processing and evaluation software tools. This development resulted in a central standardized information platform, that allows efficient management of disaster from local focus to nation-wide level.
sd-kama project consortium:
- geomer GmbH (Project Coordinator)
- Deutsches Zentrum für Luft– und Raumfahrt e. V.
- Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institut
- Software AG
- Stadtentwässerungsbetriebe Köln, AöR