September 2013 – August 2017
PROVISION (Perceptually Optimised Video Compression) is a network of leading academic and industrial organisations in Europe comprising of international researchers working on the problems plaguing most video coding technologies of the day. The ultimate goal is to make noteworthy technical advances and further improvements to the existing state-of-the-art techniques of compression video material.
High Efficiency Video Encoding for 4K Satellite Distribution
September 2013 – November 2016

3DTVS - 3DTV Content Search
November 2011 – October 2014
The goal of the 3DTVS project is to devise scalable 3DTV AV content description, indexing, search and browsing methods across open platforms, by using mobile and desktop user interfaces and to incorporate such functionalities in 3D audiovisual content archives. The major novelty in 3DTV content indexing/retrieval research will be on how to exploit 3D (depth) information for stereo and multiview video indexing, retrieval and browsing that could address semantic queries of the form ‘find stereo videos with shallow depth’ or ‘find stereo videos, where actor X approaches actor Y’. 3D multichannel audio analysis will perform better audio source (e.g. musical instrument) separation and localization that will be used in 3D audio/cross-modal indexing and retrieval. Multimodal 3D audiovisual content analysis will built on the results of 3D video and audio analysis. 3DTV content description and search mechanisms will be developed to enable fast reply to semantic queries. User friendly mobile/desktop search interfaces will be built that could also permit adaptation to the user needs and profile.
Co-funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme
Image & Video Understanding Group

Ansichtssynthese für 3D-Videosysteme basierend auf Textursyntheseverfahren
September 2011 – September 2014
In this project, one of the main problems in depth image-based rendering is addressed. That is the disocclusion problem which results from the fact that a scene is typically observed from a set of original views. This can lead to missing information in virtual camera views, especially in extrapolation scenarios. Hence, novel algorithms that synthesize disoccluded (missing) textures in a visually consistent manner are developed.
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- Image & Video Understanding Group
- DFG GEPRIS project page

Wide-band Direct to Home (WiDiHo) – ITT6613
October 2011 – April 2014
The consortium will build a demonstrator, which implements a complete wide-band end-to-end system, including a channel emulator, transmitting, and receiving units. Improved or newly devised techniques for single carrier operation mode are employed, which are based on the enhanced DVB-S2 standard (DVB-S2-X).

October 2012 – March 2014
The project "Satellite networks for video distribution and content delivery (SEDUCE)" will evaluate how the evolution of the video distribution and content delivery sector impacts satellite networks and will assess how the satellite should adapt to and benefit from this new environment. Based on a market analysis and value chain models, a technology development roadmap will be defined in order to maximize the European/Canadian industry assets in the sector of video distribution and content delivery.

October 2011 – March 2014
The TOSCA-MP project aims to develop user-centric content annotation and search tools for professionals in networked media production and archiving (television, radio, online), addressing their specific use cases and workflow requirements. The project brings together 10 partners from 5 European countries including industry partners providing solutions for the media industry, public service broadcasters as well as their European association, a university and research centers.
Co-funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme
- Image & Video Understanding Group

January 2012 – February 2014

All-IP Broadcast Satellite Networks Technologies and Demonstration
December 2010 – December 2013

February 2007 – December 2012
Every day the Internet provides new information. As the amount of data grows, however, the challenge is to find ways of providing users with simple and efficient access to this enormous store of knowledge. Partners from the academic sphere and the business community are working together within the framework of THESEUS, currently Germany’s largest IT research program, to meet this challenge. The technologies being developed within the THESEUS program are preparing the way for a future Internet of Services.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.
Image & Video Understanding Group

July 2009 – September 2011
3D@SAT will review and investigate the potential of future 3D Multiview (MVV) / Free viewpoint Video (FVV) technologies, build up a simulation system for 3D services over satellite and disseminate its findings to relevant fora (e.g. DVB 3D-SM, DVB TM–AVC, ITU-T/VCEG, ISO/MPEG, SMPTE, 3D@Home etc.).
Funded by the European Space Agency (ESA)

January 2008 – March 2011
The main objective of MOBILE3DTV is to demonstrate the viability of the new technology of mobile 3DTV. The project develops a technology demonstration system for the creation and coding of 3D video content, its delivery over DVB-H and display on a mobile device.
Co-funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme - ICT Theme
- 3D Coding Group

February 2008 – January 2011
The 3DPHONE project aims to develop technologies and core applications enabling a new level of mobile 3D experience, by developing an all-3D imaging mobile phone. The aim of the project is to realise all fundamental functions of the phone i.e. media display, user interface (UI), and personal information management (PIM) applications in 3D but usable without any stereo glasses.
Funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme - ICT Theme
3D Coding Group

September 2004 – August 2008
3D capture, transmission and display is a challenge of today's technology. The 3DTV project will explore several issues, like imaging and computer graphics, signal processing, telecommunications, electronics, optics and physics principles, to find out possibilities to create, transmit and display 3D object in a way that human will not be only perceiving 3D images, but also be able to interact with them. The primary objective is to align European researcher with different expertise to collaborate on complementary areas to explore possibilities of 3D scene capture, representation, transmission, display and interaction.
Funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Network of Excellence
- 3D Coding Group