February 5, 2018

During the first meeting of the newly founded ITU Focus Group “Machine Learning for Future Networks including 5G” in Geneva, it was determined that the group will define the requirements of Machine Learning (ML) as they relate to technology, data formats and network architectures.
Under the chairmanship of Slawomir Stanczak, Head of Wireless Communications and Networks Department at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI, the Focus Group will propose standardization strategies to assist Machine Learning in contributing to the efficiency of emerging 5G networks. In the course of the meeting from 30th January to 2nd February 2018, the Focus Group established three new working groups.
The first working group, called “Use Cases, Services & Requirements”, will identify promising use cases of Machine Learning and describe their surrounding technological ecosystems. The study will determine the requirements of these use cases and bring greater clarity to the ICT industry’s vision for Machine Learning’s contribution to 5G systems.
The second working group, “Data Formats & Machine Learning Technologies”, will establish a categorization of Machine Learning algorithms in communication networks, highlighting the implications of such algorithms for 5G systems. Dr. rer. nat. Wojciech Samek, Head of Machine Learning Group at Fraunhofer HHI, assumes the chair for this working group.
The third working group, “Machine Learning-aware network architecture”, will analyze the requirements of network architectures from the perspective of their expected interaction with Machine Learning algorithms.
The next meeting of the Focus Group will take place from 24th to 27th April 2018 in Xi’an, China.